What this website is about
XVEA.com is a vehicle information resource and vehicle based web-tools website from the Exhaustless Vehicles Engineering Association (XVEA.org). Our other website is BMWSections.com. This website - XVEA.com is for all vehicle makes.
VIN Decoder
Q. Where does the VIN data come from?
Data is from our own vehicle-specifications database, calculated from the VIN (as per ISO 3779 & ISO 3780), and from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
Q. Some info looks like its not from the VIN.
Some data displayed for the VIN as entered comes from our own database, such as the Manufactures Website and the Euro Emissions Classification Rating (where relevant), among some others.
Q. Why do some sections have no data?
Two reasons: 1): no information is available for that particular category. 2): if in the section "Data source" the line 'NHTSA_0' is shown, then information from the NHTSA is either slow at the moment (thus timed-out), or is down. You can try again latter.
Q. Is there an API available to use?
Sorry, no API.
Q. Is there a limit on VIN lookups?
Unlike some services, we do not impose limits on use. Although fairness should be expected by all users. Thank you.
Q. How accurate are the VIN results?
No VIN info service can guarantee absolute accuracy. XVEA uses data points from the NHTSA which is a an agency of the U.S. federal government, which in turn receives data from vehicle manufactures themselves.
Q. What's with the name?
XVEA is a simple acronym of EXhaustless Vehicles Engineering Association. Also being just 4 letters, it is somewhat faster to type on a keyboard, and easier to remember!
Hand-built with Geany on Linux.
My cars: BMW 3-Series E46 and 3-Series E90